If you visit this page (which you most likely won't) you probably won't find it very interesting.

But if you do then thanks. It's okay though. I'm not trying to impress anybody or gain followers. I just want to be myself here. I just want to be able to rant about my problems here. So apologies in advance for any negativity! I am a positive person too.

I love making friends, music, learning new things, Lady Gaga, and I'm becoming more interested in fashion.

I hate money, discrimination, bullying, homophobia, the feeling of regret, and change.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

first post.


i've got this because chris was bugging me to and it seems pretty cool. so, yeah.

worst first post ever.

but if it helps, i do love this awesome song:

it's soso good and i just don't get sick of it xxx