If you visit this page (which you most likely won't) you probably won't find it very interesting.

But if you do then thanks. It's okay though. I'm not trying to impress anybody or gain followers. I just want to be myself here. I just want to be able to rant about my problems here. So apologies in advance for any negativity! I am a positive person too.

I love making friends, music, learning new things, Lady Gaga, and I'm becoming more interested in fashion.

I hate money, discrimination, bullying, homophobia, the feeling of regret, and change.

Friday, 28 May 2010


So it seems my next update isn't about The Monster Ball. Shame.

I'm feeling pretty sad right now, just feel so eugh. I'm sick of randomly getting upset and stuff, I know it's normal I'm sure but I hate it. It's ruining things. I wasn't completely up to seeing my old girls tonight because I was still feeling a bit rough and tired but deep down I was excited to see them as I hardly ever see them so I couldn't wait. However this random bad mood has just made me feeling too crap to even see them now so I've just had to cancel because I don't think I can face going round in this mood. I'm acctually really pissed off at myself. I need to stop letting little things get to me like how I look in clothes etc. I'm convinced that's what's triggered my mood tonight and now it's ruined my night and my chance to see the girls again tonight. What a fail. I'm really annoyed. Arghhh. I hope I become suddenley happier in the next hour or something so I can still go round and see them. I'm such an idiot at times. And no I will not re-read this to check it for spelling mistakes or any shit like that because I just needed to get this crap out somewhere.


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