HELLOOOO this is me.
Not quite sure why I'm updating but ohwell. I forgot how much I loved this shirt; too bad it's ripped on one of the sides - tramp alert - ohwell I'm used to being a bit of a dosser so I'll continue to wear it! As you can probably see in the picture I'm wearing my hair in a bun. I never do this but I'm starting to like having it like that! Though I'm really crap at putting it into one so most of the time I look like a dick. Bad times.
I don't have work until Thursday now so I'm going to arse around until then me thinks. Oooohh also it's Billy's 18th birthday now. WIN. Happy Birthdayyy Billy not that you'll read this but I'm saying it anyway :D xxxxx
Oh also I had such a strange dream last night! I dreamt that Gaga shot me in the head lmao. :( It was sooo strange she had three of us in my room, one person I knew. She let the other two off except me and she shot me in the head! What the hell Gaga I thought we were friends!?! Haha, for some reason I didn't die though. I almost did as I felt my whole body go numb and saw a bright light so I thought I was about to die but didn't. I remember thinking that if I lead there she would think I was dead and I could get away but then she noticed so I was done for.. but then I woke up LOL such a random dream.
Goodnight Blogspot. xoxo
P.S: Gaga rolling in the rain is SEXYYY. Monsters will get what I'm on about ;) Ah I love her except for when she's trying to shoot me in the head of course..
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