If you visit this page (which you most likely won't) you probably won't find it very interesting.

But if you do then thanks. It's okay though. I'm not trying to impress anybody or gain followers. I just want to be myself here. I just want to be able to rant about my problems here. So apologies in advance for any negativity! I am a positive person too.

I love making friends, music, learning new things, Lady Gaga, and I'm becoming more interested in fashion.

I hate money, discrimination, bullying, homophobia, the feeling of regret, and change.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

I wish I knew.

I really hate these times. These times suck. I'm talking about the times where I'm totally fine and happy and pretty average, but behind all that there are things bugging me and tearing me up inside. What do I do? I have no idea. But it's the worst thing. Why do we all have to have our fair share of complicated thoughts? I try to avoid thinking about all these things that are bothering me, because when I don't think about them, I'm totally fine. :)

I'm not even going to talk about everything, but one of these damn things is stupid Uni. I'm having doubts, second thoughts, confusion about what is right for me etc. Just when I thought it was all OK and I just had to choose where to go these stupid thoughts appear. I didn't expect it, and I really don't need it.

Do I really want to go to any of the Uni's that have accepted me? Have I actually chosen the right course for me? Is it really going to take me to what I want to do in the future? Am I even sure at all about what I want to do in the future? Am I even ready for Uni at all? Why do I only have to realise this now?

And if/when I sort all that shit out, will the rest go away?


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