I write a blog post, and then realise all that I have written is shit and moaning, so I delete it and go away. But this time I won't go away and I will actually post something.
Life is sort of fail at the moment. College work is taking over and making me feel kinda depressed. Fact. But I'm sure that will go away soon and I'll feel better.
I went out on Saturday with my old girls for Blaise's birthday. It was pretty baddd in the sense that I was sick several times, once which was NOT in the toilets resulting in me being escorted outside. Bad times. But good times because I just walked straight back in. Dumbass bouncers. Anywayy apart from me being crazily drunk it was awesome to spend time with old friends. =]
I would like to have more things to look forward to this year, especially with such a beasty summer ahead. The only main thing I have so far is my trip to Manchester on June 2nd to see GaGa with the GGD people, which I actually can't wait for zomg. She is a babe. Speaking of babes I wish the 'babes were touring this year. Too bad their album failed. They said they would tour earlier in the year too which got me excited as I was hoping to go to a show with some of my amazing online friendlies. :( *cough* Emz and Rob *cough*. Ohwell. I'm sure we will eventually.
I really should go because it's past 2am and I have to be up in 5 hours. SUCKS. I enjoy this picture lots.