If you visit this page (which you most likely won't) you probably won't find it very interesting.

But if you do then thanks. It's okay though. I'm not trying to impress anybody or gain followers. I just want to be myself here. I just want to be able to rant about my problems here. So apologies in advance for any negativity! I am a positive person too.

I love making friends, music, learning new things, Lady Gaga, and I'm becoming more interested in fashion.

I hate money, discrimination, bullying, homophobia, the feeling of regret, and change.

Monday, 26 October 2009

times like this...


coops' was so good last night!!
apart from one fail...

i love my friends. i really do. they provide me with the best of times. whether i never see them, hardly see them, or always see them, i love them all. big love for nat's friends <3

for last night shoutout to COOPS for holding such a good time :D H.P for just being HP ;) and E.S for always being at the other end of the phone for me :')

without friends i don't know what the fuck i'd be doing with my life :

hopefully the fail will fix itself and i'll get what i deserve and want soso much eventually. it has to.

ohhhhhh here come the fun tiiimes


Monday, 12 October 2009

you can be a sweet dream

oh how college drains the shit out of me.
i'm so weird i harshly revised some english tonight without being asked.. because i so want that A :/ aha geek fail.

BUTTT we did have general studies today and IAN made the day complete :') OH ian...

and i love this cover of sweet dreams so much. love her. <3

she's a babe.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

YUSSSS and no.

YESSSSSSSS finally on with my personal statement nobody knows how good this news is.
Also university choices are finally piecing together a bit!
Still need to choose though it's a bitchhhh. :(


new Scrubs was win!