If you visit this page (which you most likely won't) you probably won't find it very interesting.

But if you do then thanks. It's okay though. I'm not trying to impress anybody or gain followers. I just want to be myself here. I just want to be able to rant about my problems here. So apologies in advance for any negativity! I am a positive person too.

I love making friends, music, learning new things, Lady Gaga, and I'm becoming more interested in fashion.

I hate money, discrimination, bullying, homophobia, the feeling of regret, and change.

Thursday, 24 December 2009


I haven't updated this in a WHIIILE. What a joke.

Considering I've just had such a fun day (well, yesterday now..) and it's Christmas time I have this sort of crazy-butterfly-crappy feeling in my stomach. I'm not a fan and I want it to go away. I wish it was the good kind of butterfly feeling because it's Christmas, but it's really not. Fail. I have a feeling I know why it's doing it, but I should just stop thinking about such a thing. I wish I was going to uni soon. I'm gonna miss my friends so bad here, especially Billy and Chris, I don't know how I'll live without them. But I just want some sort of new environment. I would appreciate some sort of bonus meaning I could take them with me. Yeah, I'd love that. Please.. :) But yeah, as much as I hate change it might do some good. However I'm not even sure if I'm trying to convince everyone else of that or myself.

*facepalm* *sigh*

To try and get myself off this negative note I may aswell say how good of a day today (yesterday - same thing) was. Me and Billy went to town and did our usual shabazing around whilst also doing some lastminute.com christmas shopping. Organised, we know. He did pick up a very awesome present for Hollie though (and I'm saying nothing else because she may see this!) but yeah, she's gonna love it. Well, she better ahah. We then went back to Billy's and played a bit of 360 and then I got all over the PS3 - as you do. Like Chad Warden says, 'the ps3 gets all the honeys'. If you don't know who Chad Warden is, then you just failed. Youtube that winner ;D

It's 1:11am and we've now just got some epically awesome snow. In Blackpool, we never get snow and if we do it never sticks, so it's awesome to see such a thing happen, especially on Christmas Eve. It's beautiful. In fact, here is what it looks like from my front door :)

Okay, so annoyingly it doesn't even look AS beautiful in that picture as it does in person. But that's just because my dossy street is making it look bad. We haven't had snow like this since I was like 3, so I'm pretty pleased and I can't wait to see how excited my nephew is about it tomorrow :)

I kinda feel better after writing this so I hope I feel much better tomorrow. I wouldn't mind that. I can't wait to play with my nephew in the snow tomorrow, fun times. I love having him around, as I miss the times when I was little getting so excited about things like Christmas and the snow, and he's making me re-live it. <3

Monday, 2 November 2009


weird mood.

after 8 long crappy months i think it's about time i got over him.

well, imma try.

what a waste of effing time.

he wins but i never will.


Monday, 26 October 2009

times like this...


coops' was so good last night!!
apart from one fail...

i love my friends. i really do. they provide me with the best of times. whether i never see them, hardly see them, or always see them, i love them all. big love for nat's friends <3

for last night shoutout to COOPS for holding such a good time :D H.P for just being HP ;) and E.S for always being at the other end of the phone for me :')

without friends i don't know what the fuck i'd be doing with my life :

hopefully the fail will fix itself and i'll get what i deserve and want soso much eventually. it has to.

ohhhhhh here come the fun tiiimes


Monday, 12 October 2009

you can be a sweet dream

oh how college drains the shit out of me.
i'm so weird i harshly revised some english tonight without being asked.. because i so want that A :/ aha geek fail.

BUTTT we did have general studies today and IAN made the day complete :') OH ian...

and i love this cover of sweet dreams so much. love her. <3

she's a babe.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

YUSSSS and no.

YESSSSSSSS finally on with my personal statement nobody knows how good this news is.
Also university choices are finally piecing together a bit!
Still need to choose though it's a bitchhhh. :(


new Scrubs was win!


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

first post.


i've got this because chris was bugging me to and it seems pretty cool. so, yeah.

worst first post ever.

but if it helps, i do love this awesome song:

it's soso good and i just don't get sick of it xxx